EULEN Newsroom
Roundtable ‘Enforcement of EU banking and financial services law: challenges and opportunities’
As part of a series of roundtables in the first phase of EULEN, King’s College London held an entirely virtual roundtable on 3 April 2020 entitled ‘Enforcement of EU banking and financial services law: challenges and opportunities’. Despite the difficulties and constraints imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic, speakers from the European Commission, the European Central Bank, the European Banking Authority, national supervisory authorities, private practice and from academia shared their experiences and views. The four sessions of the roundtable covered a wide range of topics: enforcement coordination between national competent authorities within the European System of Financial Supervision; the effectiveness of hard and soft law intervention by the European Supervisory Authority in the ESFS; enforcement coordination and accountability in the SSM and SRM; and the role of private parties int enforcement of EU banking and financial services law. The insights gained from this roundtable will be used to start with the work on the second event, an academic conference in London in January 2021 preceded by a call for papers (this time hopefully in person rather than virtually).