EULEN Newsroom
We welcome your initiatives to bring academics and practitioners together and address the challenges for EU law enforcement within the thematic scope of this network.

Roundtable ‘The EU Migration, Border Management and Asylum Reform in the Aftermath of the “Refugee Crisis”: Towards an Effective Enforcement?’
Date: 12 June 2020 Location: University of Deusto (Bilbao, Spain) Final Programme Instructions for Google Meet This event will inaugurate the activities of the JM Network at the University of Deusto and will first of all contribute to making EULEN known to the public in Spain. This roundtable will start the discussion to match daily…
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Conference on Extradition and Surrender
Leiden University, Utrecht University and Maastricht University are organizing a two day conference on extradition and surrender, offering a venue for practitioners and young scholars to exchange experiences and ideas on these subject matters.
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EULEN Opening Conference for policy makers and academics
The Opening Conference of the Jean Monnet Network on enforcement of EU law (EULEN) for Policy Makers and Academics in Brussels, organized by Mira Scholten and Michiel Luchtman (Utrecht University), was held on February 19, 2020. Prof. Alex Brenninkmeijer (Court of Auditos) moderated all roundtable discussions as the chair of the day. The first roundtable…
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EULEN Opening Conference “EU law enforcement: past, present and future”
The conference “EU law enforcement: past, present and future”, organized by Mira Scholten and Michiel Luchtman, was held on January 16-17, 2020. This event was the official opening of the Jean Monnet Network on EU law enforcement (EULEN) to the public.
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