Jean Monnet Network on enforcement of EU law (EULEN)

YRP Projects

Preserving indigenous culture or spreading multiculturalism in Europe?! Challenges of EU Migration Policy in Southern European Countries (by Tamar Todria)

European Union stipulates for the idea “Unity in Diversity” and in my research I will analyze how this particular motto  and idea works in practice. Will try to investigate how current European Union policy on migration works to ensure to serve the above mentioned purpose without difficulties. The focus will be on the issue why and in what aspects current EU migration policy fails and what changes are already announced by member states to take place. Some of the announced possible ways of solvency couldn’t have been imagined while initiating the common migration policy. It will be interesting to analyze if it is this the case when reality obliges and stipulate officials for change.  Nowadays there is an ongoing debate that EU has to rethink its migration policy and asylum policy as well. The tragic facts became so common in recent period that it made officials and the nations to rethink how the EU migration policy works.


Tamar Todria –

Institute for European Studies (IES TSU) Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University