EULEN Newsroom
Roundtable ‘United we stand: National and supranational law enforcement in defence of the EU budget’
On the 26th of May 2020, the online Roundtable entitled ‘United we stand: National and supranational law enforcement in defence of the EU budget’ inaugurated the activities of EULEN at the University of Luxembourg. Speakers from the Luxembourg Financial Intelligence Unit, Eurojust, OLAF, and academia shared their views on the challenges connected with the protection of the European Union’s financial interests (PIF). The two sessions of the Roundtable covered a wide range of topics such as the case law of the European courts on ne bis in idem, the recently adopted EU Directive on the protection of whistle-blowers, the key features of national and supranational anti-fraud investigations, including the coordination role played by Eurojust and the use of digital evidence, the different models of enforcement of EU law in the PIF sector and other EU policy areas, and the respect of the rule of law by the Member States as a requirement to have access to EU funding. Thank you very much to the speakers, participants, and organisers for the very interesting debates and exchanges on such topical issues!